Really Simple Indeed World Wide Web

I've added an experimental RSS 2.0 feed to the system. You can find a link to the feed at the top right corner of every page ? it's the little icon that says "RSS 2.0", surprisingly. Or you can just click here.

Edit 2004-Jun-07

A problem has been fixed where entries you were not supposed to see ? i.e. drafts ? were being shown. If your XML parser complains because the feed uses extended latin HTML entities, it's ignoring the doctype line where the Latin-1 HTML entity set is being imported. Sorry, your parser is broken.

(9:46) A goof where the date was in the wrong format has been fixed. The feed is now valid RSS.

I get an error:
XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
Line Number 16, Column 13:

Det H�r H�ller Inte

and what's an RSS 2.0 feed?

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